It is important to stay consistent while receiving acupuncture treatment, studies show it takes anywhere between 8 to 12 treatments to see the best long-term results, however, these numbers are based on daily treatments and vary depending on many factors such as your age, condition, medications, lifestyle, diet, and stress level. In most cases, patients receive one treatment per week but this can be more or less frequent depending on the severity of your condition. Please note that while acupuncture is extremely beneficial in treating and managing certain conditions, it is not a quick solution and should be a long-term commitment similar to going to the gym, in order to see the results, you have to show up!


Initial Acupuncture Consultation

This 90 minute appointment is specifically for all new patients, it includes a full-health evaluation that consists of answering a series of questions, a tongue and pulse diagnosis used to properly design a treatment plan for you, and your first acupuncture treatment. During the evaluation, you will have time to discuss your concerns and ask any questions you may have.




follow-up acupuncture Treatment

Receive a 60 minute follow-up acupuncture treatment. Please note, this can only be scheduled once an initial consultation has been established.




CAncellation policy

Please respect the practitioner and clients who are patiently waiting to get in. A no-show, cancellation, or rescheduling of an appointment made in 48-hours or less prior to a scheduled visit results in the patient being charged the full fee of the service. Failure to pay the fee will prevent any future bookings, once your balance has been paid your ability to book will be reinstated.


Additional information

Park Place Acupuncture does not participate with insurances, however, if your specific plan covers acupuncture treatment, you may be provided itemized receipts to submit for reimbursement. Please inquire for more information.

All transactions are final.